Am besten gekleidete Männer bei den Filmfestspielen von Cannes 2017
US author Brian Selznick dressed in printed suit with black revers and white shirt
Will Smith dressed in shiny suit with black shirt and black bow tie
Jeremy Renner dressed in grey checked suit combined with printed shirt
Jeremy Renner dressed in black suit with satin revers combined with white shirt and black bow tie
Actor Enrique Arrizon dressed in blue two buttoned suit with combined with white shirt
Arnold Schwarzenegger dressed in jeans, white shirt and light blue jacket
Dannish actor Claes Bang dressed in grey pants, black shirt and black jacket
British actor Dominic West dressed in black suit with white shirt
Ben Stiller dressed in grey suit with white shirt and striped tie
Adam Sandler dressed in blue suit with light blue shirt and no tie
Ben Stiller, Dustin Hoffman dressed in dark suit with white shirt and grey striped tie and Adam Sandler
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Author: Silvia K. on
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