ABC des Anzugs der Männer

Men should know all details about the suit and have their own tailors

It is very important to know everything about the men's suit - how to get the right fit, what to look for when buying a suit (lapels, pockets, buttons, slits and other details), how to wear a suit, buttoning rules, etc. ABC of the men's suit offers all that information and it is a complete men's suit guide. If you are a men's suit designer you can find valuable information about the anatomy of the men's suit and much more. If you can provide more information, we will be happy to welcome you as a contributor to this section. Email us at:

Tuxedos vs. Anzüge: Was sind die Unterschiede?
ABC des Anzugs der Männer

Tuxedos vs. Anzüge: Was sind die Unterschiede?

Wenn es um formelle Kleidung geht, kommen einem oft zwei Optionen in den Sinn: Smokings und Anzüge. Obwohl beide für festliche Anlässe getragen werden, unterscheiden sie sich voneinander. Das Verständnis der Unterschiede zwischen ihnen ist entscheidend, um sich für verschiedene Veranstaltungen angemessen zu kleiden.

Schneidertipps von Vitale Barberis Canonico: Mehr über die Ärmel
ABC des Anzugs der Männer

Schneidertipps von Vitale Barberis Canonico: Mehr über die Ärmel

Vitale Barberis Canonico, one of the oldest woollen mills of the world, celebrates bespoke tailoring with the project Tailor's Tips, a series of 12 videos in which the master tailor Giovanni Barberis Organista, directed by Gianluca Migliarotti, tells what happens behind the scenes when a hand-stitched suit is created.